Friday, July 08, 2011

Are you the change?

I am wondering how many school librarians will be starting fall in a new position or a greatly changed position?  There have been so many changes, not only in my district but around my state of Ohio.  I was excited to read Judi Moreillon's question to Arne Duncan about mandating media specialists, but not surprised by his "politically correct" vague response.   Once again we must take up the mantra, "be the change you wish to see in the world" (a quote from Gandhi) if we want to continue to positively impact our students and staffs.  It will be difficult to maintain the passion for the job when you feel under appreciated and overworked, but we must bolster each other and demonstrate what could and should be expected in the library of the 21st century.
With that in mind, I was very excited to see that Judy's new book, "Co teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies in Secondary School Libraries: Maximizing Your Impact" will be published this fall; it will be a MUST purchase for me as I move to a high school library.  
What other great books are on the horizon that we should put on our purchase list?

I so appreciate other resources we have, such as: LM_Net, TLNing, AASL forum, to name just a few that we can use to "talk" to others in our field.  What else can we do to feel supported this school year?

I want to be sure to authenticate and advocate what learning opportunities are occurring in my library space this year.  I am thinking about a media page connected to my home page and a space in the school newsletter, but I want to also try something new, 21st century, flashy enough to attract attention but grounded in authenticity so that it will be taken seriously.  What things are you planning for this year?

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Hi, Liz! I'm currently reading David Lankes' ATLAS OF NEW LIBRARIANSHIP along with a campus colleague. Lots of stuff in it to validate your Gandhi-like approach to librarianship! (It's also roughly the size and weight of a laptop -- so bonus -- your arms will get sculpted as you read!)