Friday, March 13, 2015

Tested by testing!

The end of the second week of testing, and I am so distressed.  It has totally disrupted library use, denying students who need to access resources, denying students who need a safe place to be, denying opportunities for teaching and collaboration.
Because wishing it will not make testing go away, I am trying to reflect on what can possibly be the learning piece in all of this.  What can I do to make this experience count for something positive? 
The best thing I can say about losing this time is that I have been able to get some things done that are long overdue - budgeting, book ordering, even cleaning off my desk.
What is the positive outcomes for my students?  I really can't think of any.  I will be searching for an answer for a while, I think.

1 comment:

suzanne tecza said...

There's really nothing we can do, but go w/the flow. After all these years, that's what I've learned. Admins and teachers are under so much pressure and we need to do our best to support them. There are so many factors, besides testing, that being flexible is the way to go.