Wednesday, August 10, 2011

10 on the 10th!

This year I am attempting to share picture books that can be used effectively in secondary classrooms. Because this is a new teaching arena for me, I have picked mostly personal favorites. I hope you enjoy these and I look forward to more ideas from you.  If you don't already know about this, it is a challenge by a bloggger friend of mine to share 10 great picture books.

1. Palazza Invorso by D.B. Johnson is a fascinating picture book. The Escher-style illustrations are accompanied by a story with its own twists and turns. This one would captivate anyone who likes mysteries or puzzles.

2. Me, All Alone, at the End of the World by M. T. Anderson and Kevin Hawkes is more thought-provoking and poignant. A young boy has a spot on the edge, at the top of a mountain where he sits to enjoy the world around him. Soon civilization encroaches, and he finds a new spot. A captivating man comes along and builds an exciting, fun expanse and the boy makes friends and enjoys the frenzy for a while. Finally, though, he longs for his place at the end of the world and leaves to find it. There are many underlying questions at the core of this book. Is it good to be alone or are people meant to be in communities? Where is our balance with nature? Just to mention a few. A great unit opener for global awareness. I love the illustrations by Kevin Hawkes, they make this story.

3. Ish by Peter H. Reynolds is just one of my favorites! A quick story that reminds you that talent is driven by passion, and that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I would read it before giving a challenging assignment.

4. Not a Box by Antoinette Portis is a perfect choice for inviting students to think outside the box, literally!

5. Weslandia by Paul Fleishman. I just love this book. There are so many uses. For social studies, how a culture is created; for guidance, be yourself and follow your passion, for science, diversity in a biome. OK, the science tie in is a stretch, but I would find any reason to share this with students!

6. Flotsam by David Wiesner shows the power of illustration. This award winning title is meant for older readers; it demonstrates that in graphic works inference is a necessary skill. One must “read” between the illustrations to follow the story.

7. 14 Cows by Carmen Agra Deedy is perfect for both American and global studies. Is it the size of a gift or the intent behind it? This is a true story, brought to life by Deedy and should tug on your heartstrings.

8. Terrible Things: An Allegory of the Holocaust by Eve Bunting shares in a simplistic way how the Holocaust was created and was able to spread.

9. A Taste of Colored Water by Matt Faulker. These bright, fun illustrations are a great contrast to the more serious topic, segregation. A child hears of a fountain in a nearby town with “colored water” and has an opportunity to go and see it. While at the top of the hill where this fountain is, a peaceful protest is happening on the street below. Use this title to introduce segregation and misunderstandings.

10. A Sweet Smell of Roses by Angela Johnson and Eric Velasquez is memorable, first because it is in black and white charcoal illustrations with a touch of red occasionally. It shows two children who run to join a parade, which is a civil rights march. A first person account through the eyes of a child that could spark lots of conversation and lead to a unit of study. One discussion may be, why are only certain things shown in red?


Tammy Flanders said...

I'm tickled that you're recommending a whole list to picture books for secondary level. I did include two in my list, The Rabbits by John Marsden and Coyote Columbus by Thomas King. I have many picture books that I recommend to student-teachers, some who think they are only for little kids. A couple of others off the top of my head are The Wall by Peter Sis, The Conquerors by David McKee or Pink and Say by Patricia Polacco. So many possible recommendations.
Thanks for the list.
Apples with Many Seeds

Mandy said...

Ish and Not a Box are ones I use in K. I love you are picking books for a secondary level. Thanks for joining us today.