Saturday, January 03, 2009

A new year, new items on to do list!

No, these are not new year resolutions, these are TO DO! Hopefully, this semantic ploy will nudge me towards completion of these plans.
1. Organize myself - a neverending task! But, I finally got a Palm, and am putting all my dates from all my calendars into it. Will this keep me from missing meetings? Time will tell. (To get all my contacts entered, I enlisted the help of my best teenage friend who makes these techno things look so easy!)
2. Find me time! This time, found when I become organized, will be spent reading new books, and writing whatever suites my fancy!
3. Create some authentic goals. What do I want to be involved with by next year, five years from now, ten even?
4. Immerse myself in a new technology, find out what it can really do, and share that with at least one other person. (Like my SmartBoard!)

OK, I am tired now, just thinking about all of this. But I will work toward these goals, and maybe share how well I am succeeding or not!

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